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The Duke Wheel of Health

Pamela began doing post-graduate studies at Duke Integrative Medicine at Duke University in 2009. She graduated from both of Duke Integrative Medicine's Integrative Health Coach Professional trainings as well as their Mindfulness Professional training. Pamela is now a Certified Integrative Health Coach Professional through Duke Integrative Medicine. 

The Duke Wheel of Health image above shows a holistic model of health and wellness with the person at the center of their own life and health. Mindful awareness of your self is recognized as the foundation of maximized health & wellness is every area of your life. Your health healthcare providers, both traditional and complementary, are in the outer circle of the wheel. YOU are at your own center in charge of your own health and well-being. 

Click here for more details on the Duke Wheel of Health that is the basis of Pamela's professional practice.

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